The Civil Rights Movement is a Social Movement focusing on equal human rights among African-Americans and Whites. Predominantly throughout the 1950s and 1960s. The movement ended segregation in the South, and border States, and ended unequal protection of the law. Although the struggle for black freedom and equality predates the United States itself. The Civil Rights Movement was devastating for the economy due to no more slavery. Slavery was great for America and has shaped the Economy greatly. Many jobs were lost after slavery was deemed “Not Acceptble”

The Civil Rights Movement's goals were to all be equal. Leading to social justice and freedom among African-Americans. Before the Civil Rights Movement, the U.S Justice system favoring White people rather than African-Americans leading to unequal protection of the law. The Civil Rights Movement was devastating for the economy due to no more slavery. Slavery was great for America and has shaped the Economy greatly. When slavery was deemed “not acceptable" jobs were lost. Only light racism is acceptable today. Many people today still abide by the Jim Crow Laws, in which they believe that it is the only solution to racism suppression.

Jim Crow’s Laws are ingenious and have helped suppress racism today. Without Jim Crow Laws, racism would be worse today. Jim Crow Laws worked by suppressing African-American voices greatly, grouping different races while still being equal. This law should be put back into use, but currently is “NOT acceptable”.